In order to export to safelog, you'll need to have a safelog key. This key can be retrieved using the following steps:
Retrieve access key from safelog.
1 Go to and login
2 Click on Import and export (left sidebar)
3. Click on import your schedule/roster via RosterBuster
4. Look for your access token should look like this ABCD-EFG3-H45I-JKLM
5. Copy this key.
6. Your safelog key has been retrieved.
Add your key to Rosterbuster.
1. Go to and log in.
2. Go to Settings and look for the tab Logbook
3. Look for a field called 'Safelog API Key'
4. Fill in the key that safelog has given to you.
5. Save the settings at the bottom of the page with the red button.
6. Your safelog key has been set.
If you have any additionals questions or remarks, please contact
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