Your schedule usually provides a list of crew members that you are flying with.
As extra Roster Buster users can check also on their registered flights who they are flying with based on our records. We show all Roster Buster users that also have the same flight details and group them on cockpit and cabin crew. Of course, you can opt-out if sharing this information is not desired.
To opt-out, you need to follow these steps.
- Go to
- Log in with your username and password
- Go to menu Account > General Settings
- Disable Show Profile
To change your role you need to follow these steps.
- Go to
- Log in with your username and password
- Go to menu Account > General Settings
- Adjust pilot / cabin role
If you have any additional questions or remarks, please contact us through Rosterbuster Mobile Application Help Section.Happy Flying
1 comment
There is no "account" setting on mine
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