1. PayPal
To cancel the auto-renewal from your PayPal subscription please follow these steps:
- Log in to your PayPal account at www.paypal.com.
- Click the Settings icon next to "Log out."
- Select Preapproved Payments under "Payment settings."
- Select the merchant whose agreement you want to cancel
- Click the Cancel Subscription button.
Please note that cancelling the auto-renewal of your subscription is not the same as requesting a refund. When you cancel a subscription you’ll still be able to use your subscription for the time you’ve already paid. It only makes sure that there won't be taken a new payment from your account
2. Credit Card
In most cases, your subscription should be listed on the account environment online and be manageable there. If you do not find the option to cancel your Credit Card subscription, please contact rb-support@cae.com to have the auto-renewal of the subscription being cancelled by our support team.
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