Ryanair sends EFB e-mails, which RB Logbook can import. The only thing you need to do is forward the e-mail to the following e-mail address:
The e-mail will be processed within 15 minutes and the flights will be in your logbook.
Please note that the e-mail address you send the e-mail from must be the same address you've used to subscribe to RB Logbook. On the EFB page in the app, you can also provide an alternate sender e-mail address.
Add an automatic forwarding rule
To make it even more convenient, you can consider adding an automated forwarding rule, so that the e-mails will automatically be forwarded and imported.
Here is how to do this for Gmail: Gmail forwarding
Here is how to do this for iCloud: iCloud forwarding
Here is how to do this for Office 365: Office 365 forwarding
Update: Ryanair has restricted sending emails from your company iPad.You can no longer forward your EFB emails to external accounts. This includes your personal email account and/or any other 3rd party email address (RB Logbook, etc.).
Import using webmail
For a workaround about EFB restriction, you can use webmail to copy-paste EFB email from the iPad Mail app and forward it to the RB Logbook from your personal email address.
If the email address you are using to send EFB email is not the same as the RB Logbook account you can set the alternative email address from "More > Import & Export > Ryanair EFB Import"
Note: few pilots reported that webmail from the company iPad is being blocked. Some others report says that webmail is only blocked when the device is on crewroom WiFi network OR using cellular data, but it's accessible when the iPad is connected to a private WiFi network.
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