We provide a super easy download of the roster from your airline’s Sabre Aircrews website. We offer multiple roster upload methods, see below for more information.
Via Mobile App
Providing your roster via the mobile app is the easiest method.
- Open the Roster Buster App
- Go to menu Roster
- Tap download latest Roster
- Provide your username and password
- Or navigate to your roster via website address bar
- When you see your schedule tap Save
This will upload the roster to our website.
Via https://app.rosterbuster.aero/home/upload
To upload your roster successfully to Roster Buster, you need to follow these instructions carefully! They may seem complex, but as soon as you have done it the first time, it will be easy.
- Log into Sabre AirCrews
- Navigate to your roster page
- It’s important you DON’T click the “Print” button or the “To save a copy…” link.
- Right-click (Control+Click on a Mac) on some blank space in the middle of any of the days on your roster, and choose View Frame Source or View Source depending on which browser you are using.a
- A page or box should appear with a large amount of code (about 1000 lines).
- Copy all of your code to the clipboard (you can use Edit… Select All and Edit… Copy).
- Click in the box, and paste in your code (Edit… Paste).
If you have any additional questions or remarks, please contact us through Rosterbuster Mobile Application Help Section.Happy Flying
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