You can export the events in Rosterbuster to your calendar.
To do this please follow these steps: 1. Login on rosterbuster 2. Go to events In the top of the screen you see the following option:
3. Select the start (form) and end (to) date for the export.
4. Click on "Apply"
5. Click on "Export"
6. Click on "ICS"
7. This will start the download of the ICS file.
Import ICS into Google Calendar a. Go to (log in if needed) b. Go to settings () c. Click on settings d. Go to import & export e. Click on a select file from your computer f. Navigate to the ICS file you download it g. Check if add to calendar is set to the preferenced calendar h. Click on import
After the import is done you will see a message like:
The exported events are now saved to the calendar.
If you have any additional questions or remarks, please contact
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